Finding Your Perfect Hair Color

Something about hair color says so much about a person that turns your looks into a transformative art piece. Is it due to its vibrancy or the uniqueness it gives a person that makes it a reflection of who an individual is and what they are going through? People choose a new hair color for all sorts of reasons, and selecting one is a delicate affair since it depicts you as a new canvas, waiting to be filled with the paint of emotions, idealogy, and experiences. Finding the perfect hair color just for you is very important. Here are some tips that will guide you to finding the right hair color for your skin tone and lifestyle.

Consider your Lifestyle

You must take a deep look at your lifestyle and yourself socially before choosing a particular hair color. Take a deep look at your lifestyle in the sense that you are a busy professional with little time on your hands to properly maintain your hair. If so, go for a hair color that is simple and easily maintained. Opt for shades that match your natural color or require minimal touch-ups. Your profession can also determine what kind of hair color you choose. 

Sometimes, you might feel bold and adventurous, so go for more daring and vivid colors, such as fiery reds and mermaid blues. All in all, you simply just have to embrace your style. Choose what you're comfortable with or what you feel best expresses you and what you're feeling.


Maintenance is very important, especially after choosing your desired hair color, to maintain its vibrancy and make it last longer. Invest in high-quality hair products and protect your hair from excessive UV rays. You also have to adjust your washing routine; too much washing will strip away the color, and too little washing is unhygienic for your hair. Knowing how to moderate this is important to keep your hair fresh and vibrant.


Hopefully, by combining all of these tips, you can select the perfect hair color that will perfectly depict the true you. So contact Salon Bellezza to help you choose the hair color that is just perfect for you. We are a luxury, full-service hair salon with trusted and experienced stylists. We would be happy to set up a consultation with you to determine your wants, needs, and perfect hair color! Give us a call today or book an appointment online.


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