Our Hair Salon Policies

Salon Bellezza stylists are dedicated to ensuring that you not only love your hair's finished product but that you also truly enjoy your time at the salon. We appreciate you reviewing our salon policies before you book so we are always on the same page. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Salon Bellezza Policies

Cancellation Policy

You must cancel your appointment at least 48 hours before the scheduled time in order to reschedule. This allows us to accommodate those on the cancellation list.

Missed Appointment Policy

If a client fails to cancel their appointment within 48 hours or no-call/no-shows, they will be required to pay 100% of the scheduled service. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Clients will be given one grace appointment per year for last-minute cancellations, scheduling changes, and no-shows.

Late Arrival Policy

Please note that if you are 15 or more minutes late to your scheduled appointment, we may have to reschedule your service if it cannot be completed in the remaining time frame. All attempts to reschedule in a timely manner will be made. If we do not hear from you 15 minutes into your scheduled appointment time, it will be considered a no-show and will be treated as a missed appointment.

Thank you!

We understand than emergencies happen and life comes up. We appreciate your understanding, continued support, and love for our time and business!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!